Setting Default Length of Slice/Example

Initially, the default length of a pink noise example is 10 sec. To set another default value:

  1. Switch to Pink Noise in Audio Source window (if it is not selected).
  2. Open Transport Panel (if it is hidden).
  3. Set the target Slice Length value.
  4. Click on the star at the right of the Slice Length value.

The default length of an external audio file slice is 12 sec. To set another default value:

  1. Switch to Audio File (Playlist) in Audio Source window (if it is not selected).
  2. Open Transport Panel (if it is hidden).
  3. Set the target Slice Length value.
  4. Click on the star at the right of the Slice Length value.

However, if the slice length has already been set before for the particular loaded audio file, it will override the default value.

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