Application Data and Settings

I tried to make the program store all its data and settings in one place, without leaving a lot of scattered garbage on disk or in registry (on Windows). On macOS, the (parent) data/settings directory is Library/Application Support/EarQuiz/Frequencies under current system’s user folder. On Windows, it is located in EarQuiz/Frequencies folder under the current user’s Application Data folder. And the path on Linux is .config/EarQuiz/Frequencies in a user’s home directory. Therefore, by manually removing it or some parts of it, you can reset the corresponding settings to defaults. Moreover, automatic clean-up of all the application data during the uninstallation process (which is often not desirable) becomes unnecessary.

The config.ini file contains the program settings and states, including checked/unchecked options, windows’/panels’ sizes, placements and visibilities, last used audio source and EQ pattern, locked EQ settings, etc.

The audio tracks’ paths of the current Playlist are stored in current.m3u8 file inside the Playlists sub-folder.

The trimmed ranges (starting and ending points) and the slice length values of audio files are stored inside the SourceRangeLib sub-folder. Each loaded audio file is hashed, and the data about each audio file is saved as a separate JSON format file with the name of md5 hash-sum of the corresponding audio file and the *.afab (Audio File A-B) extension. You can also see the audio file name inside each of these JSON data files. Hashing big files is not a very fast process, but this method allows the program to identify files in a path-independent and platform-independent way. That said, you can even transfer these *.afab files to a similar folder on another computer, and the copy of the application, running on that machine, would be able to apply these settings/data to the identical copies of your audio files.

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