Creating, Editing and Saving Playlists

Basically, within the software, the single playlist (and the corresponding Playlist widget inside the Audio Source window) is used. You can add the tracks you are going to use as audio sources for your exercises to it, reorder them and remove them. The Playlist widget is a table with 3 columns: Filename, Duration and Folder Path. The playlist contents are saved and restored on each program startup unless cancelled by user. You can also export them to separate playlist files, which is highly recommended every time you make a collection of tracks that would be reused in the future.

Whether the application reloads the internal playlist or imports data from external playlist files, only the existing audio files of the supported formats are added as items.

Adding and Removing Tracks

Different ways can be used to add audio tracks into the application Playlist:

  • Select File | Open Files… from the main menu, or press Ctrl+O (on Windows and Linux) or ⌘O (on macOS), or click on the + button in the Audio Source window. Then choose audio files (WAV, AIFF, FLAC, MP3 or OGG) or playlist files (M3U, M3U8, PLS or XSPF) in the file dialog and click the Open button.
  • Select File | Open Folder… from the main menu. Then choose the folder containing audio files and click the Open button. In this case, the program will not only add audio files of the supported audio formats within the selected folder, but it will also search for audio files in all the sub-folders. The playlist files of the supported formats within the folder and the sub-folders will be found and parsed as well.
  • Drag & Drop files/folders to the Playlist from anywhere possible. Just like in the previous point, the program will also search for audio files and parse the playlist files in all the dragged & dropped folders and their sub-folders.
  • If the application is not opened yet, you can alternatively select audio files in File Explorer (on Windows) or Finder (on macOS) or File Manager (on Linux) and use the Open with option in the right-click context menu to open them with EarQuiz Frequencies.

The audio items of valid (10 sec. and more) duration and sampling rate (44.1 kHz and more), which can (potentially) be opened, have normal (black) font color. If an error occurred while trying to read a file or load it to the player, or its duration is less than 10 sec., or its sampling rate is lower than 44.1 kHz, it would be colored with gray. If a file, having already been added to the Playlist, cannot be found anymore, it becomes red.

You can change the items’ order with the internal drag & drop of the Playlist.

To show any of the tracks from the Playlist in File Explorer (on Windows) or Finder (on macOS) or File Manager (on Linux), select and right-click on it (or select it with right-clicking) and choose the corresponding option in the context menu.

Clicking the Clear button above the Playlist removes all the items from it. To remove certain tracks, select them and click on the - button, or choose the Remove Selected option from the right-click context menu, or press the Backspace or the Delete key. There is also an option to remove the unavailable (gray and red) tracks, selecting Remove Unavailable from the right-click context menu.

Exporting Playlists

To export your Playlist contents to a separate file, select one of the two items in the File | Export Playlist… menu if the main menu. But which one to choose?

With Export with Absolute Paths… option, all the saved paths will be absolute. This is suitable when you are going to open the audio files from the same machine, without changing their location or renaming drives, parent folders, etc. The playlist file itself can be stored locally anywhere.

However, if you want to make a movable library of audio sources and organize it with playlists, you should have a separate parent folder for it, choose Export Using Relative Paths for Subfolders… option, and select this folder as your playlist file location in the file dialog. In this case, the paths to the audio files in the same folder as the playlist file or below, would be stored as relative ones to the playlist file path. The other audio files’ paths would be absolute.

The file dialog, which is opened on choosing any of the two options above, lets you name your playlist file, choose its future location, and select its format/extension. Currently, you can save your playlist as M3U or M3U8 file. These are very human-readable text file formats which may contain only audio file paths/URLs at different lines. The only difference between them is that M3U8 forces the use of UTF-8 encoding. On macOS and Linux, you can use them interchangeably, but on Windows the system encoding, which may be different, is used for M3U files, which may cause problems with non-Latin characters. So, M3U8 is more recommended in general case.

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EarQuiz Help ear training on equalization learning frequencies creating playlist editing playlist exporting playlist